SuperMoon Sabotage! #ROW80/ #12WeekYear Y10R1: MidWeek Ten

Hey there!

Yep, it’s true! The moon was out to get me this week! It affected my sleep, my mood, my energy levels… pretty much everything. So there’s not a lot of progress to report as we get to the middle of the week.

Am I discouraged? Well, I was. But I’ve found my perspective. I took a nap yesterday, and went to bed earlier last night, and that’s helped a lot.

I’m ready to take on the rest of this week – even Friday the 13th (because, seriously, it’s followed by Pi Day, after all)!

How about you?


Completed: 1/8; 13%
In progress: 1/8; 12%
Still waiting: 6/8; 75%

I prioritize self-nurturance, physical activity, and social connection.

I read for information and/or pleasure daily.

  • I make time every morning for at least 10 minutes of reading, excepting days off.
  • I dedicate an additional 20 minutes to reading four times each week.
  • I dedicate an additional 30 minutes to reading three times each week. Due Weeks 1-12.
  • I dedicate an additional hour to reading once each week.

I devote time each day to physical self-care.

  • I cook at least two meals each week.
  • I take Noli for a walk every day, excepting inclement weather.
  • I schedule a massage appointment for Week 13.

I nurture current social connections, build new ones, and make an investment in future social endeavors.

  • I meet a friend for coffee or lunch at least once monthly.
    • Follow-up thank you to Catherine.

I feel a bit like the tail’s been wagging the dog….


Completed: 3/5; 60%
In progress: 1/5; 20%
Still waiting: 1/5; 20%

I hometend for one hour four weekdays every week and three hours every weekend.

I work 27 Thing cleaning cycles through the house for maintenance/smaller tasks (use a timer!).

  • I complete one graduated cycle, adding outside and porch.

I do 10-minute sprints on larger projects five times weekly.

  • I choose a single project for weekly focus, using secondary/tertiary goals from last week if applicable. Bins under my workstation.
  • I choose a stretch project to advance if I complete primary project. Ready pantry area.
  • I choose a tertiary project to advance if I complete secondary project. Move pantry.
  • I complete each sprint.


Completed: 1/4; 25%

In progress: 1/4; 25%

Still waiting: 2/4; 75%

I explore ways to fit lifetending into my life.

I list and triage the tasks I want to accomplish each week.

  • List projects.
  • Triage projects.

I schedule the tasks in my weekday schedule, based on priority and where they will fit into the flow of my days.

I score how effective I was at following the schedule (this will inform future weeks’ lists/scheduling).

Professional Development:

Completed: 9/12; 75%

In progress: 1/12; 8%

Still waiting: 2/12; 17%

I spend ten hours weekly developing my VA and writing businesses.

I do six 20-minute work sprints (2 hours) each week, focusing on smaller tasks that can be batched (simple action steps; VA Leads check-ins; email, small-scale website stuff).

  • I choose a single project for weekly focus. Tracy’s proofing project.
  • I choose a stretch project to advance if I complete primary project. Website development.
  • I choose a tertiary project to advance if I complete secondary project. Social media.
  • I complete each sprint.

I do four 30-minute sprints (2 hours) each week on more intensive, mid-sized projects (larger action steps; in depth site development; pitching; informational interviews; content creation).

  • I choose a single project for weekly focus. Pitch research.
  • I choose a stretch project to advance if I complete primary project. Pitching new leads.
  • I choose a tertiary project to advance if I complete stretch project. Following up with previous leads/clients (Kait,Victoria, Pam Laricchia, Flo) .
  • I complete each sprint.

I devote six hour-long blocks (6 hours) each week to coursework or website development projects (coursework; larger website development; business planning).

  • I choose a project to address each week. Paid work.
  • I choose a stretch project to address if I complete the primary project. Draft script for Hire Me video.
  • I chose a tertiary project to address if I complete the secondary project. Finish Big Four pages.
  • I complete each week’s strategic blocks.


Completed: 9/12; 75%

In progress: 0/12; 0%

Still waiting: 3/12; 25%

I spend fifteen hours weekly on writing activities.

I do fifteen 20-minute work sprints (5 hours) each week, focusing on smaller tasks that can be batched (flash fiction; adding words to novels; fan fiction).

  • I choose a primary project for weekly focus. End of Shift” revision pass 1.
  • I choose a stretch project to advance if I complete primary project. Reread endings lesson for flash fiction course.
  • I choose a tertiary project to advance if I complete secondary project. Craft endings for my stories in progress.
  • I complete each sprint.

I do eight 30-minute sprints (4 hours) each week on more intensive, mid-sized projects (flash fiction/short story revision; character development; outlining; project development).

  • I choose a single project for weekly focus. Critique Week critiques.
  • I choose a stretch project to advance if I complete primary project. Read any critiques that are posted for my story.
  • I choose a tertiary project to advance if I complete stretch project. Reread “Into the Sunset,” revise as needed, and post to
  • I complete each sprint.

I devote two 3-hour strategic blocks (6 hours) each week to in-depth projects (revision course; Master Class; website/blog content).

  • I choose a project to address each week. Locate all materials for HTRYN course.
  • I choose a stretch project to address if I complete the primary project. I reread course materials for Lesson 6.
  • I chose a tertiary project to address if I complete the secondary project. I resume Lesson 6.
  • I complete each week’s strategic blocks.


Completed: 9/12; 75%

In progress: 1/12; 8%

Still waiting: 2/12; 17%

I spend five hours weekly advancing my learning priorities.

I do six 20-minute work sprints (2 hours) each week, focusing on smaller tasks that can be batched (reading lessons; setting schedules; action steps; research).

  • I choose a single project for weekly focus. I complete Module 8 of 30DOLVA.
  • I choose a stretch project to advance if I complete primary project. I check for any new videos/lessons, and watch/do any I find.
  • I choose a tertiary project to advance if I complete secondary project. I complete the new module between 8 and 9.
  • I complete each sprint.

I do two 30-minute sprints (1 hour) each week on more intensive, mid-sized projects (deeper research; larger action steps; videos; experimentation).

  • I choose a single project for weekly focus. Overcoming Underearning; first journal entry.
  • I choose a stretch project to advance if I complete primary project. Read through Chapter One (yet again!).
  • I choose a tertiary project to advance if I complete stretch project. Do Chapter One exercises.
  • I complete each sprint.

I devote two one-hour blocks each week to focused coursework.

  • I choose a project to address each week. 30DOLVA Module 9 (the final one!)
  • I choose a stretch project to address if I complete the primary project. Make a master list of all the 3oDOLVA Action steps still pending.
  • I chose a tertiary project to address if I complete the secondary project. Make a plan for completing these during the round, as possible.
  • I complete each week’s strategic blocks.


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Till Next Time!


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